Preparation of geotechnical studies
Geotechnical studies – Synthesis of field and laboratory tests
The geotechnical study is a synthesis of all previously performed field research and laboratory tests, which were performed according to the conditions of the project tasks. The results are presented through a textual and graphic part with a detailed interpretation of field and laboratory tests, a presentation of the profile of the drilled boreholes and engineering-geological cross-sections of the terrain, photographs of the drilled core, the level of groundwater, diagrams of the conducted field and laboratory tests, tabular representations of the established geomechanical parameters , geotechnical calculations related to the goal of the research and for the selection of the most economically advantageous technical solution.
Engineering geological profile of the exploratory well
The Geotechnical studies summarizes the characteristics of the lithological structure of the terrain, the hydrogeological characteristics of the represented lithological members, defines the state of the groundwater level in the terrain, the morphological characteristics and the seismodynamic model of the terrain.
Engineering geological profile of the terrain